NVIDIA Corporation has announced its OpenCL™ 1.0 drivers for Windows XP and LINUX have been submitted to the Khronos OpenCL Working Group for certification immediately after the conformance tests were approved. These pre-release drivers are now available to all NVIDIA GPU Computing registered developers.
NVIDIA was the first to provide pre-release drivers to its OpenCL Early Access Program participants in April 2009. NVIDIA remains the only vendor today with software and hardware available for developers to program with OpenCL as well as other GPU Computing environments including DirectX Compute, C with CUDA extensions and other languages.
The final specifications have been known but there were no compilers available at the time, neither a driver from either Nvidia or AMD. Nvidia now has a driver that supports OpenCL on CUDA enable devices, which is anything from the GeForce 8 series up.
No mention of compilers available, nor if Nvidia will also make one available for the general public soon. Either way, when people manage to get one in their hands, from whatever vendor, the new driver will support the code generated.
OpenCL is of major importance for the next major iteration of Mac OS X, hence Nvidia also being very aggressive in pushing support together with the already very mature CUDA extensions.
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