Graphics Cards, Motherboards

AMD integrated graphics loosing ground to Intel

AMD still has bragging rights, it has had for a long time, but Intel is closing in fast and it's chips are everywhere. AMD marketing team seems to think it's all ok.

AMD is still touting the considerable advantage they have over Intel's integrated graphics, when it has shrunk considerably and the AMD 785G is a disappointing upgrade to the extraordinary performance that the 780G provided.
Moreover, take a look at the above chart. You'll notice that AMD is comparing Intel's offering not to the HD 3200, the 780G, but to the HD 3300 chip, AMD 790GX chipset, which only targets premium motherboards. The article doesn't mention Sideport memory but most 790GX chipsets make use of it, which worsens the situation even more.

As far as roadmaps go, AMD has Fusion with it's APU, the name given to the GPU merged with CPUs - it will have general purpose cores and an APU(Accelerated processing unit) - nothing else on sight.
Looking back to October of 2008, Intel and Nvidia were loosing big time to what AMD had to offer. Company of Heroes performance was about the same, but the 780G wiped the floor with the G45 in the rest.
Nvidia's answer came soon for the Intel camp, in the form of the GF9400M chipset:

The last one is the G45, the top middle one is the 780G - not the faster 790GX.
Intel's hardware has been improving and while AMD's drivers were already good enough, the drivers weren't. Looking at these results, also from October, it sure seems that Intel's driver team sure has been working well and from 100% more performance for AMD, it went to just the 28% that AMD is touting:

AMD needs to release a proper upgrade to the 880G soon or AMD's bragging rights will all turn to dust.
It still has the better IGP, which even overclocks like mad for even more performance, but it needs a revamp soon. The CPUs are competitive but slower and AMD's greatest product is still the whole platform it offers.

AMD integrated graphics vs Intel @ Donanimhaber

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